Business Travel
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TALL Systems Corp - Admin
Updated April 2022

We're finally able to

... start travelling for business now that pandemic restrictions are being lifted in some countries. These are changing times however... are you ready?


You're travelling overseas for a business meeting. Arriving at customs, you are required to present proof of vaccination for COVID-19, or an authorized medical exemption. In the course of preparing for the trip, you somehow overlooked getting a copy of your vaccination certificate, or you simply misplaced it when packing and it's in your baggage that is being loaded onto the plane. Now, you're at customs and they won't let you through without that proof. What do you do?


You can make a call to your doctor and ask their office to send you proof via email, but that will take some time and they may not accommodate your request for privacy reasons—meanwhile your flight is not going to wait.
If only you had uploaded your documents to myTALLdataon your mobile device—before departing for your trip.
Health Passport

Back at my apartment

... after I accidentally packed my proof of vaccination in a suitcase that ended up on the wrong flight.

I'm now an avid myTALLdata  fan. Next trip, I'm ready with all my critical documents in the app—good to go in a moment's notice!

Donald Waltraud, VP New Business Development at a tech startup

Wouldn't you rather the following was you in these photos? Already at your destination with colleagues and customers.

You could have had your proof of vaccination available at the touch of a button in myTALLdatainstead of worrying about lost or misplaced paper records.

Our app ensures that you have secure, authenticated electronic access, using your personal device. In the event that you lose your device, you can recover and restore your records to a new one—when, where, and how you need to.


Your data at your fingertips when, where, and how you need it most. It’s your life, your data—own it!

Next time, before you travel, contact a myTALLdataapp partner to get the app, then upload your key travel documents on your mobile device—so you have access when you need it most. We don't want to read about your travel mishap ...

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